
How To Clear Watch Later On Youtube

When seeing a proficient Youtube video, it is common for people to add it to Scout Later list to "watch after". The trouble is that the list keeps adding upward and becomes bigger and bigger.

See too: Youtube Thumbnail Grabber

If y'all don't want to read all these long text, try a more than uncomplicated version at Tle Apps.

When the Watch After list becomes too large, it will loose its purpose of keeping track of wanted videos. Users first deleting watched videos or uninteresting ones. Just they must click "Remove from Lookout later" for a hundreds of videos. In most cases nobody wants to do that.

Bulk-deleting is the solution everyone loves. Youtube has Delete watched videos characteristic which delete videos you already watched. Even if you only lookout man ane 2nd of a video, it is also deleted. What nigh videos we haven't watched? Nosotros even so demand to find a mode to delete them in bulk.

So Youtube still lacks the much-needed mass delete features. Fortunately, we can execute a JavaScript block of code to mass delete Sentinel Later videos.

Steps to Remove All Scout Later Videos at Once

one) Open your Youtube Lookout man List in web browsers like Chrome or Brave.

2) Press F12 to open developer's panel or access it via web browser'south Carte.

3) Navigate to Panel tab.

4) Paste this script into the panel and printing Enter.

Updated: 2021/09/24

Here are the scripts I used to delete videos on my Watch later listing:

One of the following scripts can work for you lot. Effort both to see which 1 sticks. The following script was modifed to piece of work with recent Youtube changes.

                                  setInterval(part() { 	certificate.querySelector('#contents button[aria-label="Action menu"]').click(); 	var things = certificate.evaluate('//span[contains(text(),"Spotter afterward")]',document,null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,nil); 		for (var i = 0; i < things.snapshotLength; i++) { 		    things.snapshotItem(i).click(); 		}		 }, thou);                              
                setInterval(office() { 	document.querySelector('#master button[aria-characterization="Action menu"]').click(); 	var things = document.evaluate('//span[contains(text(),"Watch later")]',document,zippo,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,zero); 		for (var i = 0; i < things.snapshotLength; i++) { 		    things.snapshotItem(i).click(); 		}		 }, 1000);              

After pressing Enter, you will see videos disappearing i by one. When the script executes, it open the bill of fare of each video popup particular and click on the Remove from Sentry Subsequently menu detail.

Use the script in different language

Thanks Xerus for reporting bout the script non working in other languages. Here is how to apply information technology for other languages:

  • Find the text of the hidden carte du jour push button (3 vertical dots) by Right-click and Inspect on information technology. You lot will find the aria-label text in your language. Replace "Activeness menu" with the text in '#primary push[aria-label="Activeness carte du jour"]'
  • Supersede "Watch later" with the text in your language in span[contains(text(),"Spotter later on")

I tried the script in French language by replacing:

  • "Action menu" with "Menu d\'actions" – Remember to add together a slash (\) before a single quote to escape information technology.
  • "Lookout later on" with "À regarder plus tard"

The script becomes:

                setInterval(part() { 	document.querySelector('#contents button[aria-label="Card d\'actions"]').click(); 	var things = document.evaluate('//span[contains(text(),"À regarder plus tard")]',document,null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,goose egg); 		for (var i = 0; i < things.snapshotLength; i++) { 		    things.snapshotItem(i).click(); 		}		 }, yard);              


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